Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday In Kuala Terengganu

Today I'll return back to my hometown in Mentakab, packing for Johore trip and get ready for my teaching career next year. This means my holiday vacation is also ends with bountiful of experience and memory written in 2009 events. But I'll be back next year since my core business in here isn't settled yet. Thanks to Faiz, Mat Yie, Yusri and Kimi for spending the precious moment that I treasure. Well, see you in Johore, perhaps. Let's pictures explain the moment...

Crystal Mosque, Duyong Island

Yusri and Mat Yie, the trip hoster

Cruise across Terengganu River

Cloudy, nice weather...

Cheap rental boat for one hour tour
circling Duyong Island is really worthy

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Semalam aku call KPM utk tanya penempatan posting taun depan...kwn2 lain sumenya sibuk cerita tmpt masing2...ada yg keciwa n ada jgk yang gumbira...aku sbnrnya x kisah sangat la dicampak dimana perasaan saspen utk tau tmpt tu ttp ada...macam tgh tngu hadiah kete kontrol utk besday ms kecik2 dlu...berdebar2 rasanye...

Tgh call 25x xdpt2 tu...dlm pkl 9.02am akhirnya dpt jgk cakap dgn akak operator...tanpa sempat menyatakan tujuan hati, dia trs tnya no i/c...aku pun dgn lahapnya bg nombor dlm satu nafas smpi akak tu marah mintak ckp slow2 sikit...kne la repeat skali lg..dapat je nombor, dia pun kata 'Mohd Syahidan Zainal Abidin kan..tahniah la awk dapat Johor...apa2 urusan contact JPN negeri ni ek...'

Erkk...???JOHOR??? Hancur harapan...tmpt mengajar pilihan di Pahang xdapat...flabbergasted...*x* Rasa mcm nk kunyah cicak idup2 je sbb kecewa...apsal member org Pahang dpt Pahang...dr Kelantan pn dpt Pahang...tetiba aku je ke tmpt lain.

Tapi ble pikir2 blk...ok ape dpt Johor...kalu dapat oversea (Sabah & Sarawak) kan lg haru dibuatnye...lgpun bknnye aku xpenah ke Johor...banyak kali dh sblm ni...pengalaman keje sebulan kt kilang karipap ms cuti skolah 2007 dulu pun kat Johor xda masalah utk timba pengalaman baru kat sana. Posting ke Johor mmg xpenah aku rs syukur ttp ada...

Anak2 Johor semua...tngu Cikgu Syahidan dtg menyumbang jasa di sana... ;-)


Hibernate Off

It's a long time had passed since my last post posted on 17th January 2009...merely 11 months without anything new...apparently, i am present but i can't access into LaSangre because..


Now hibernation is ends, i retrieved back my access code and i'm back with new fresh words...and new password as well...there are so many things happen should be share here throughout of my 'disappear epoch'.